Prevalence in Australia
Seizures and diagnosis of epilepsy
Risk of death
*Figures are based on Australian population in Nov 2024 of 27 million.
We are always happy to work with journalists and media outlets interested in helping us create greater awareness of epilepsy, and publicise one of our many national awareness or fundraising events.
Our key spokesperson is:
Carol Ireland – Chief Executive Officer
1300 37 45 37
Carol can provide authoritative commentary on a wide range of issues relating to epilepsy including the latest research into medicinal cannabis, the psychological and social impact of the condition and SUDEP (Sudden Unexpected Death in Epilepsy).
In addition, we can also:
Epilepsy Action Australia welcomes the support of media professionals in helping us inform and educate the wider community about epilepsy and its impact on the over 250,000 Australians living with the condition. We are also happy to provide information about the services we provide and how they help to improve the lives of the many children, teenagers, adults, and their carers who are affected by epilepsy.
In many ways, epilepsy is a ‘overlooked’ disease! Even though it is more common than Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis and cerebral palsy, it is considered ‘uncommon’, and ignorance and fear about epilepsy and seizures remains widespread. The stigma often compels people to hide their condition, and can lead to low self-esteem, depression and suicide.
Common misconceptions include that it is a mental illness that affects intelligence and can lead to disability. Epilepsy is a neurological condition that disrupts the normal electrical and chemical activity in the brain.
Given the right support and community understanding, people with epilepsy should have the same opportunities as everyone else. Unfortunately, due to public stigma, many people with epilepsy are unfairly judged and discriminated against when it comes to employment, sporting activities, and other opportunities.
Media communications can improve public awareness by disseminating factual, up-to-date information that over time will help to dispel the widespread stigma and myths.