NDIS | Epilepsy Action Australia

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National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provides support for eligible Australians with intellectual, physical, sensory, cognitive and psychosocial disability.

People with disability have the right to have choice and control over their lives and the supports they receive. Through the NDIS, eligible people with disability will be able to access the reasonable and necessary supports they need, to achieve their goals and aspirations.

Every NDIS participant has an individual plan that lists their goals and the funding they have received.

NDIS participants use their funding to purchase supports and services that will help them achieve their goals.

Goals will differ from person to person but they could include things like getting and keeping a job, making friends or participating in a local community activity. NDIS participants control the support they receive, when they receive it, and who provides it.

The NDIS is intended to help people with a disability to:

  • access mainstream services and supports
  • access community services and supports
  • maintain informal support arrangements
  • receive reasonable and necessary funded supports.

If you are living with epilepsy and qualify for the NDIS (am I eligible?) you will need to develop a plan to identify the necessary supports you require. You will need to ensure you include all the necessary epilepsy support services you require in your plan to enable you to safely access and participate in community activities, education and employment.

NDIS: What types of epilepsy supports do we fund? Will provide information about the epilepsy supports funded by the NDIS.

If your disability means you can’t manage your epilepsy, NDIS may fund epilepsy supports like:

  • training for a support worker to help you follow your Epilepsy Management Plan (EMP)
  • training for a support worker to follow your Emergency Medication Management Plan (EMMP) if you need medication when you have a seizure
  • a support worker to monitor your seizures
  • a nurse to monitor seizures if you have complex health and disability needs
  • time for your support worker to go to training, for your specific support needs
  • assistive technology for example, alarms or seizure monitors
  • support coordination, if you don’t have a local area coordinator, family, or carers to link you with epilepsy support services.

Epilepsy Action can help you with:

  • Assessment of your epilepsy needs
  • Seizure management planning and documentation
  • Education and training for family, support workers, teachers or allied health professionals
  • Supportive documentation for epilepsy-related services or assistive technology
    • We can offer advice on things to consider, possible equipment options and their suitability based on your seizure type. However we do not do formal assessments for Assistive Technology. This is done by an Occupational Therapist.
    • Your primary supporting documentation for NDIS support or review will need to come from your Neurologist / OT / Physiotherapist etc whom you have had face to face services with.

Not everyone will be eligible for the NDIS. If you are not eligible for the NDIS, Epilepsy Action can still assist you.

If you have an NDIS funded package our client services staff will discuss payment for certain services.

Information about Epilepsy Action and the NDIS can be found here.

To refer a client, use our Referral Form

More NDIS information

  • Our 7 step planning checklist will guide you through the NDIS process.
  • To find out if you can access the NDIS, check out the requirements here.
  • The NDIS website has lots of information and resources available to help you navigate the scheme and determine how it will work for you. You can also call the NDIS info line on: 1800 800 110

To discuss your epilepsy related needs and prepare for your planning meeting with a National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) representative, contact Epilepsy Action on 1300 37 45 37 (1300 EPILEPSY) or epilepsy@epilepsy.org.au

Your Plan

If you get a NDIS plan, then you will probably work with your plan manager and support coordinator to decide what to do next. Go to NDIS Plan Implementation Directory for more information.