Epilepsy Action Australia is seeking Expressions of Interest from our clients to join our Service Advisory Register
Epilepsy Action Australia (EAA) has undertaken an extensive process to develop a new Strategic Plan for 2024 to 2027.
Our vision has been reworded to ‘inclusion, equitable access, and self-determination for people living with epilepsy‘, as was our mission which is now ‘EAA drives positive change empowered by the collective voice of people living with epilepsy.’
As part of our Consumer Consultation Framework, EAA is currently seeking expressions of interest from our clients and/or primary carers to join our Service Advisory Register. This is a voluntary role that will provide the opportunity for our clients to express their views and provide real input into decisions that affect them and ensure that we develop our resources and services from the clients perspective.
EAA will engage with members of the Service Advisory Register and provide regular updates on our activities and opportunities for feedback. EAA will also seek the input from Service Advisory Register members on an as-needed basis to gain an understanding of the needs and issues of people living with epilepsy. In the main, this feedback will be sought electronically however, from time to time, there may be a need to convene a workshop or hold a webinar.
If you are interested in joining our Service Advisory Register, please review the ‘Terms of Reference’, and complete the Expression of Interest and Confidentiality Form below.
Expression of Interest and Confidentiality Form
If you would prefer to complete a paper version of the form, please print the ‘Expression of Interest and Confidentiality Form’, and return to:
Epilepsy Action Australia
PO Box 384
North Ryde BC NSW 1670
Email: epilepsy@epilepsy.org.au