Become a Member

Have your say in shaping the future of Epilepsy Action Australia by becoming a member

Membership is available to individuals, aged over 18, and community groups who would like to have a direct say in the governance of Epilepsy Action Australia. Your annual membership fee of $75 will go towards supporting Epilepsy Action in our quest to help as many people with epilepsy and their families as possible. The word ‘Action’ in our name aptly describes our ongoing commitment to constantly seek optimal outcomes for those living with epilepsy right across Australia. As a member, you will help play a vital part in supporting this resolve.

If you are more interested in becoming a Client of Epilepsy Action Australia, then please visit here to find out more.

For more membership information, see our Constitution.

Valuable membership benefits and entitlements include:

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Direct say in the governance of the organisation

Includes invitation to the Annual General Meeting and any extraordinary meetings

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Copy of the Annual Report and other resources and newsletters

Get a hard copy of our Annual Report and keep up to date with the latest news on epilepsy, our activities, patient stories and research via our newsletters

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Most importantly, you will benefit from knowing that each day you are helping someone with epilepsy lead a better life

Register your interest

    Date of birth

    What is your relationship to a person with epilepsy?*

    How do you want to receive copies of future annual reports?*

    I do not wish to receive promotional material from EAA