Our Services

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Epilepsy Action Australia – Our Services (Brochure) – click here

Helping You Live Your Very Best Life

Every year we have more than 4000 new referrals from people affected by epilepsy who were seeking support. We know that at times epilepsy can be a challenging and isolating condition to deal with but you don’t have to manage it alone.

Our highly skilled Epilepsy Nurses and Service Consultants can assist you to moving toward adjusting to a life with epilepsy.

We provide up-to-date and easy to understand information as well as support services tailored to individual needs including:

  • Online Tools and Resources – Online Seizure Management Plans, educational materials and courses, first aid videos and a quarterly newsletter.
  • You can also discuss SUDEP and your safety risks with an epilepsy nurse or your doctor using the SUDEP and Seizure Safety Checklist
  • Online Communities – Connect with others through online support groups and forums
  • Education and TrainingWe can provide epilepsy awareness and seizure first aid training. Training is provided online, via webinar or in-person in some locations, and can be tailored to meet individual needs. Education and training can include:
    • an Online Academy course for individual self-paced learning
    • group training for schools, disability organisations and the community
    • family webinars
    • workshops, seminars and webinars tailored to specific needs
    • emergency medication training for giving emergency medication outside the hospital setting.
  • First Aid Posters and Videos
  • Epilepsy Products – Find information and where to go for seizure monitors and wearable technology designed to help keep you safe and alert others when you need assistance

Our aim is to deliver services that increase epilepsy awareness, understanding, knowledge and skills to help people living with epilepsy across Australia have the best quality of life possible.

To refer a client, use our Referral Form

Popular Services

Epilepsy Action has been providing our services for almost 70 years and we can be there with support for you when you need it. Some of our main areas of support and resourcing include the following:

National Epilepsy Line

A national telephone and telehealth service for all epilepsy related questions. Available Australia wide, your call will be answered by a specialist epilepsy nurse. Call 1300 37 45 37 (1300 EPILEPSY) or book your appointment here.

Seizure Smart Schools

Become a seizure certified school. Every school has a duty of care to provide a safe learning environment, and to ensure they meet the needs of every student.

Seizure Smart Schools is designed to increase awareness and knowledge about epilepsy and ensures that Seizure Management Plans are developed for all students with epilepsy


MyEpilepsyKey, provides online access to vital information, resources and self-management tools. Click here to access MyEpilepsyKey.

Assistance and Advice

You may need written information, seizure management plans, medication advice, or sometimes just want to speak to a friendly voice who will understand what you are going through. That is what we are here for.

Advocacy and Consultancy

We represent the interests of those affected by epilepsy by advocating and lobbying the Australian Government for improvements in employment, education, health, transport, discrimination and other important issues. Epilepsy Action also provides a consultancy service to businesses and organisations that provide services to or work with people living with epilepsy.

Client Rights and Responsibilities

There are certain standards that you have the right to expect from Epilepsy Action Australia, and at the same time, as our client you have certain responsibilities to ensure your service is as effective as possible. Read more.

Child-Safe Environment

We are committed to providing a child-safe environment, prioritising the well-being and protection of every child in our care.


Seeking Support?

Call now on 1300 37 45 37 (1300 EPILEPSY) and have a chat to us about your situation and what support or assistance you would like. We are here to help.

Download our Services Brochure here