Online Tools/Resources

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Supporting Self-Management

Taking an active role in managing your epilepsy through the use of readily available practical tools and resources can help you feel more confident and allow you to better control your  symptoms and overall well-being.

The following resources have been refined and updated to ensure they are useful in helping you self-manage aspects of your condition.

Our Online Tools

Seizure Management Plans (SMP)

These are documents that provide essential information to anyone who may be in a position to assist someone having a seizure – whether that be family, friends, caregivers, teachers, colleagues or others. A SMP is a practical tool that can be used by all caregivers in all settings to manage seizures, seizure emergencies, treatments and safety. A SMP includes detailed information about:

  • emergency contacts
  • seizure and relevant medical history
  • safety and supervision needs
  • medication instructions (if relevant)
  • seizure management.

Having this plan readily available—for example at school or the workplace—can help lessen the impact of seizures and the risk of injury and improve seizure response by others.

If an emergency medication plan is needed for seizure emergencies, Epilepsy Action Australia can assist with this, as well as offer the necessary training for those who may be required to administer this medication.

Seizure Management Plan Documents

If you prefer to work with a document, please find the below seizure management plan pdf documents. There are 3 versions depending on how many seizure types you have.

Seizure management plan – 1 seizure

Seizure management plan – 2 seizures

Seizure management plan – 3 seizures

OR if you would prefer to go through step by step with a Epilepsy Nurse please contact us at or 1300 37 45 37

Emergency medication order template to take to your Doctor

Online Seizure Management Plan

We have an online tool where you can create your own SMP.

Simply register and follow the instructions. Click here for instructions to create an online SMP

Our Online Resources

Epilepsy Action has developed a number of educational resources to help improve knowledge about epilepsy and consequently seizure control and quality of life. Many of these resources are for a general audience while others are targeted at a more specific audience.

Epilepsy 360 E-Newsletter 

Sign up for the free Epilepsy Action Australia e-newsletter keeping you up-to-date with the latest research, stories and happenings in the world of epilepsy.

Register here if you would like to receive 4 issues per year.


We have developed several resources for young people. Click here to find resources for:

  • Transition to Adult Health Services: resources to help with moving from paediatric to adult health services
  • Equip: A learning resource for young people with epilepsy
  • Vodcast episodes: of teens experiences with epilepsy
  • Youth support group

And more.


Strong Foundations: This resource is designed to help parents with a child attending mainstream school identify any epilepsy-related learning challenges. It aims to give parents ideas about how to support their child to achieve their potential.

Topics include:

  • How epilepsy can affect learning
  • Fostering independence
  • Learning and participation at school
  • Telling others about your child’s epilepsy
  • Healthy family relationships.


Psychosocial Well-Being for Adults Living with Epilepsy:  Apart from having to manage seizures, many people with epilepsy also have to manage difficulties with memory, social activities, stigma, relationships, employment and driving. Having the right information and direction can make all the difference.

Ask an Expert – Video Series: We have a series of over 30 videos featuring some of Australia’s leading specialists discussing epilepsy topics of interest and answering common questions. Gain practical advice on everything from diet and sleep to children’s issues like babysitting and sleepovers.

Other Online Tools and Resources

Seer Medical

Seer App

Seer Health has launched an app which is a world first, being able to forecast seizure risk for people with epilepsy. The Seer app relies on a history of recorded events to indicate when you might be more or less likely to have a seizure by identifying individual seizure cycles. Research has confirmed that seizures occur in rhythmic cycles — even without a person noticing — and that these cycles are common for people with all types of epilepsy.

This is called seizure forecasting and is similar to how a weather forecast can tell us if we should expect rain or shine. This new technology is a powerful tool for planning activities and managing life with epilepsy.

The app can also be linked to a Fitbit device which provides additional data, such as heart rate and sleep patterns, that help to improve the accuracy of your seizure risk. It is available now for free for Android and iOS.

Click here for more information

(NOTE: Epidiary This personal online diary app adapted for the Australian community is no longer accepting new users. It will still remain open for current users.)


The MedAdvisor app helps you control your medication so you can get back to living. And it’s entirely free.

  • Be reminded when you need to order new scripts
  • Never forget to take your medication
  • Be alerted when you need to see your Doctor
  • Order, pay and have your medication delivered
  • Manage medication and scripts on behalf of kids, elderly, and other family members.
  • Securely store your scripts in the app

Click here to download the MedAdvisor app


Jumo Health: Understanding Epilepsy –  for children aged between 8-12 years

Being diagnosed with epilepsy at a young age can be a difficult and confusing time, which is sometimes made worse by a lack of appropriate and easy-to-understand medical information.

 Jumo have created an Understanding Epilepsy animated video, available here