Anyone can become the target of ongoing hurtful behavior. Some people are more vulnerable and at greater risk just because they are seen as “different”. One in four people in general have been on the receiving end of bullying at some point.
There are lots of reasons why someone might bully others. Whatever the reason, bullying is never ok. Someone who is a bully might do it because they:
- Feel jealous
- Want others to like them
- Want to feel better about themselves
- Want to fit in with their friends
- Feel angry inside
- Like to be in control or have power over others
- Have been bullied themselves
- Do not know what they’re doing is wrong
There can be serious long-lasting effects for the person being bullied (and often the bullies themselves). It is not something to be taken lightly.
If you are being bullied
Sometimes it can be tough to do these things, but here are some suggestions. If you are being bullied in person:
- physically walk away
- try to act unaffected
- use other strategies to take the heat out of the situation e.g. ‘fogging’ or casually agreeing with offensive or negative comments, or saying something routine and offhand (‘okay’, ‘whatever’) to suggest you do not care
- do not fight the other person as this may escalate things and you may get in trouble yourself
- say ‘No!’ in a firm voice. Tell them what they are doing is not ok
- stand and walk in a way that appears confident
- give a quick reply to surprise or disarm the other person
- talk to your parents or an adult for their support and guidance – you may also be able to rehearse the techniques above with them so you are better prepared
- if at school, talk to the teacher or a staff member you trust.
Look at Kids Helpline for strategies for dealing with bullying or by phoning Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800) for confidential advice.
If it is cyber-bullying:
- don’t respond to bullying messages
- keep evidence of cyber-bullying – including dates, times and descriptions of what occurred, and save/print screenshots, emails and SMS’s
- block or ‘unfriend’ the person who is cyber-bullying
- get someone to help you report the activity
If you see bullying happening to someone else
If you are a bystander, you can take safe action to stop it by:
- being clear to your friends you won’t get involved in bullying
- don’t stand and watch or encourage bullying
- don’t spread gossip or tease others
- helping someone being bullied to go for help and
- report the event yourself to a teacher or if you think it is serious enough, to the police.
To take action against bullying online:
- don’t forward on nasty messages or comments
- don’t let your friends post comments using your login, there is often a reason they don’t want their name linked to the post
- follow the same steps outlined above for a person being cyber bullied.
Importantly, if you find you are, or a close friend is being bullied, do not suffer in silence. Seek help by letting your parents, or teachers or another person you can trust know. Seeking help does not mean you are weak.