Locations of Seizures

Different parts of the brain have different functions. Knowing the part of the brain that is affected by seizures can help us understand the types of challenges that the child may be having.

However, it is important to remember that the brain has an amazing capacity to compensate – especially in children. This is called neuroplasticity and means that the brain can find new ways of processing information if one area is damaged. Put simply, neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to change, to re-wire, re-learn and strengthen important connections.

For this reason, while the location of the seizures will give you some information about your child’s learning the best way to understand your child’s challenges is to observe how they are doing things.

Click on each part of the brain to see what it does.


Frontal lobe: attention; problem solving; mood; expressive language; getting ‘stuck’ on one thought; impulse control.

Temporal lobes: memory; recognising faces; naming objects; focusing on just one thing; understanding what people say; emotional responses.

Parietal lobes: focusing on more than one thing at a time; knowing left from right; calculating maths; hand-eye coordination; reading and drawing; self-care such as dressing.

Occipital lobe: visual-perception; recognising words; reading; writing.

Cerebellum: balance; coordinating fine movements; controlled reach to objects; rapid movement.

Brainstem: balance and movement; sleep patterns; dizziness and nausea; alertness and arousal; breathing, digestion and other autonomic functions.