Valuing and Respecting Others
As a client of Epilepsy Action Australia there are certain standards you should and can expect, such as to be treated with respect, dignity and courtesy. At the same time, as part of receiving our service you have certain responsibilities to ensure your service is as effective as possible.
Your Rights
- To be treated with courtesy, dignity, respect and care.
- To receive a quality service from appropriately trained professionals.
- To have your personal values, human rights, ethnicity, religion, age and gender respected and considered during service provision.
- To receive information in your language or format of choice, and to have an interpreter available if required.
- To be included in decision making about the service you receive.
- To have an advocate, cultural liaison worker, family member or friend present at your service if desired.
- To have your personal privacy respected and your confidentiality protected.
- To make a complaint or suggestion about Epilepsy Action without compromising the service you are receiving (see information about our Complaints Policy and Procedure).
- To make a complaint to an external body including the NDIS Commissioner on 1800 035 344
- To discontinue use of the service at any time without compromising any future service.
- To access, in the presence of an Epilepsy Action staff member, any information or Epilepsy Action records about your service.
- To be informed in advance of any costs associated with your service.
Your Responsibilities
- To be respectful to staff, volunteers and other clients of Epilepsy Action.
- To provide accurate information to ensure the most appropriate service can be delivered.
- To inform Epilepsy Action, with 24 hours notice, when you are unable to keep a scheduled appointment.
- To undertake any actions agreed upon during the course of your service.
- To respect the confidentiality of other Epilepsy Action clients you may meet during group sessions or other services.
Service Scope
Epilepsy Action provides innovative services to optimise the life outcomes of people with epilepsy. During the course of service clients may identify needs that are not related to their epilepsy and, therefore, fall outside the scope of our expertise. In these situations Epilepsy Action will assist you to locate the most appropriate service.
Service Cost
The majority of services are offered free-of-charge to people with epilepsy and their families. Some group or residential programs attract a fee for service.
Where a client has an NDIS funded package our client services staff will discuss payment for certain services.
If you have any questions about your rights and responsibilities, or the scope of Epilepsy Action’s service, please contact us on 1300 37 45 37 or email us at
To make a suggestion please email us at
To make a complaint, please visit Complaints Policy and Procedure for more information.