Ignite a Spark4Epilepsy

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Ignite a Spark4Epilepsy


2024 CF SPARK FOR EPILEPSY AWARNESS CAMPAIGN National Science week banner

Spark a conversation about Epilepsy with your students this National Science Week!

Epilepsy Action Australia’s Spark4Epilepsy campaign, in conjunction with National Science Week (10th – 18th August 2024), kicks off in August!
Established in 1997, National Science Week celebrates the contributions of Australian scientists and offers everyone an opportunity to talk science, see science and do science.  For over 70 years, Epilepsy Action Australia has collaborated with leading medical and academic institutions on innovative research, driving new treatments and interventions to improve and save lives. Our goal is to inspire young people to be curious about the world while raising essential funds and awareness for epilepsy through our Spark4Epilepsy initiative.
We invite educators and students to join Epilepsy Action Australia’s public awareness and fundraising campaign. Let’s spark conversations about epilepsy, break the stigma, and embrace the differences of those living with epilepsy by learning about seizures through a hands-on approach with static electricity experiments. Epilepsy can develop at any stage of life, but many experience their first seizures during childhood or adolescence, making students particularly at risk.

Why static electricity?

The brain consists of millions of neurons that generate electrical impulses, controlling thoughts, feelings, sensations, movement, and bodily functions. Epilepsy, affecting over 250,000 Australians, is a neurological disorder where temporary disruptions in brain electrical activity cause seizures. By understanding static electricity, students can better grasp how neurons function and how seizures occur.


How can you get your school or centre involved in creating a Spark4Epilepsy?

Engage Students with a Hands-on Lesson Plan

Use our 45-50 minute lesson plan to teach students about static electricity through interactive experiments. Our static electricity exemplifying how rubbing a balloon on hair to generate static electricity is the perfect experiment to effectively demonstrate the disruptions of neurons in the brain caused by epilepsy. Access online lesson plan HERE.


Access our adaptable Resources

Be inspired by a variety of materials from our resource center that are tailored for different age groups and educational levels. The resource center includes:

  • Printable information resources
  • Printable seizure first aid posters
  • Various social media tiles with epilepsy facts to share throughout August
  • Campaign logos that you can use to create your own branded resources.
  • Video resources that can be played in classrooms or shared on social media

These resources will ensure that the lesson can be adapted to suit the needs of your students. By fostering this curiosity and understanding, students will be encouraged to delve into the science behind epilepsy in a supportive environment where they can learn about epilepsy and its impact on those who live with it.


Raising Funds

Demonstrate your support for people living with epilepsy by organising and hosting fundraising activities or events such as a gold coin free dress day, purple day, or silly sock day. These events can be held in conjunction with your #SPARK4EPILEPSY experiment and are a fuss-free way to get the whole school involved. The funds raised through your events help us continue to provide crucial support and services, including our National Epilepsy Line, client support programs, and educational courses.


Making a Donation

You can make a direct donation or contribute the proceeds from your fundraiser. Every donation helps us maintain and expand our services for those affected by epilepsy. Donations can be made here.

For additional ways to make a donation, click here to download the “How to bank your funds” PDF.

Every contribution, no matter how big or small, plays a vital role in supporting our mission to deliver innovative services that increase understanding, raise awareness, develop skills and leverage research to enhance the lives of those living with the condition.


Register your Participation and Win

2023 CF SPARK FOR EPILEPSY AWARNESS CAMPAIGN Get your students involved. 1



When you register your participation, your school will be entered into a draw to win an exciting STEM-inspired prize pack valued at over $500! This incredible prize pack is designed to inspire students, unleash their creativity, and ignite their passion for science.

The STEM-inspired prize pack includes:

  • Colour Changing Lab Putty, which changes colour with heat to introduce thermochromism and polymer science.
  • The  LEGO City Space Science Lab for hands-on space science exploration.
  • The Electrode Plasma Ball and Energy Bar for interactive experiments on electricity and plasma.
  • An Interactive Human Body Model for an in-depth look at human anatomy.
  • A Block Circuit Deluxe Kit to teach electrical circuits and engineering basics.
  • A Chemistry Laboratory Kit for safe and exciting chemical experiments.
  • A Crystal Science Kit for growing crystals.
  • A Mould and Create Volcanic Eruptions Kit to simulate volcanic eruptions.
  • A Professional Anatomy Model of the Human Brain for hands-on learning about brain structure and functions.
  • The Big Book of More STEM Activities by Jenny Jacoby and Susan Martineau for a variety of inspiring STEM activities.
  • The  book of 1001 Questions and Answers About Absolutely Everything by Discovery Kids to satisfy students’ curiosity and promote a love for learning and inquiry.


Online Training

Are you confident your staff would know what to do if someone had a seizure at your school or centre? Speak to our team about arranging online training in our Epilepsy Essentials course.

Child-friendly training

We also offer free online training for primary school aged children in our Epilepsy Awareness courses.

Our courses for schools are designed as simple and fun activity-based programs to provide basic, practical information about the brain, seizures and epilepsy – and how to manage a seizure when it happens.

Learn more and register here:

For bulk enrolments, contact our education team via email or call 1300 37 45 37.

Become a Certified Seizure Smart School

Every school has a duty of care to provide a safe learning environment, and to ensure they meet the needs of every student.

For students living with epilepsy, the effects of seizures and medications may affect their learning experience adversely. Teachers can help manage and understand the needs of students in their care by developing their knowledge through epilepsy-specific training.


Meet your duty of care to your students with trained and certified staff. Get started here.

Note: Seizure Smart Schools does not extend to pre-schools or childcare centres at this time.