Lifestyle and Risk

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Lifestyle and Risk headerEpilepsy risks vary from person to person. Having epilepsy, like many other long-term conditions, may mean you have to modify some aspects of your life.

The lifestyle choices you make can impact your seizures. So learning about circumstances that can affect seizures will help you make informed choices about how you can enjoy your life and manage your epilepsy.

Living alone

Lifestyle Risk Living aloneThere are always going to be some risks for someone who has seizures if they are living alone. Taking some necessary precautions to create a safer environment can lessen the risk.

  • If you have epilepsy and live alone, have a plan if a seizure happens to best keep you as safe as possible. This can be as simple as a daily telephone call from a family member, or having alarms that activate family or neighbours when something happens.


  • Make changes in your home environment to reduce the risk of physical injury during a seizure. For instance reducing sharp corners on furniture, removing things that may cause you to trip, installing a door that opens both ways (especially in the bathroom so people can access if you have a seizure), non shattering shower screens etc.

See our other safety suggestions for making your home safer

Discuss your safety with your doctor or epilepsy nurse and possibly look into seizure or monitoring device options. These cannot guarantee your safety 100% but can give you more peace of mind. They may be helpful to you as part of a wider care plan but they should not be relied on as the only method for reducing risks.

See our Epilepsy Products page for some suggestions.

Alcohol and substance use 

Excessive alcohol or drug use in someone with epilepsy is not recommended and can increase the risk of seizures, injury and death.

These substances are often associated with forgetting medication, sleep deprivation, poor diet and poor health, all which can make some people more likely to have poorly controlled seizures. So, it is important you consider this when deciding whether to drink alcohol or take illicit drugs.

For more go to Alcohol and Drugs

See our Alcohol and Epilepsy factsheet

Mental health

It is thought that one in four people will have a mental health condition at some point in their lives. For people living with long-term conditions such as epilepsy, this risk is higher.  Anxiety and depression is the most common seen.

Sometimes your epilepsy or antiseizure medications can affect your mood and mental health or vice versa. Whatever you are experiencing, help is available so please be reassured that things can be done to improve how you are feeling. It is helpful to know the signs to look out for which may mean you need to seek advice.

Speak to your doctor if you experience:

  • feeling sad or low for long periods of time
  • feeling hopeless or helpless
  • feeling anxious or worried
  • feeling irritable
  • feeling tired all the time, with no energy or motivation
  • sleeping more or less than usual
  • having no motivation or trouble concentrating
  • losing interest in things you normally enjoy
  • eating more or less than usual
  • thinking about harming yourself or suicide.

If you have epilepsy and are feeling depressed, this affects your seizure control and can further increase your risks. Don’t let it get out of control.

Raise it with someone so you can be referred to the right supports.

For more information on Depression and Anxiety and Epilepsy

For more information on Epilepsy and Mood

Medication management 

Taking your seizure medication as prescribed, is one of the most important steps you can take to help control your seizures and reduce your risks. Many people with epilepsy complain of memory problems to some degree, so to help you remember to take your medications every day:

  • Try to make it part of your daily routine like taking your medications at meal times.
  • Put your medications in a safe, visible place as a reminder.
  • Set a device or alarm to remind you.
  • Use a chart or calendar and tick when you have taken your medications.
  • Consider using a pillbox or ask your pharmacist to pack your medications into a pill pack. These usually have the day and time you are supposed to take the tablets.
  • Ask someone to remind you.
  • You may need to set medication reminders

Take the time to learn about your medication and talk to your doctor about any concerns.

Other medications, including over-the-counter medications may interfere with how antiseizure medications are absorbed, or make you more prone to having seizures.

Always check with your doctor before taking any other medications or supplements and report unwanted side effects or reactions to your doctor or pharmacist immediately.

Keep your medication in a safe place away from children.

Check with your pharmacist or doctor about what to do if you miss a dose of your medication.

Long-term treatment 

Some antiseizure medications are known to affect bone density over time. This can increase your risk of bone fractures.

This is one reason why it is important to have annual reviews of your epilepsy with your doctor – even where your epilepsy has been stable or you are seizure free. Your doctor can continue to monitor both your medication and your general health over time and to recommend any tests, diet, exercise, supplements, or changes that might be beneficial for you.

As knowledge increases and new medications become available your epilepsy treatments can be reviewed so you have the best medication available for your epilepsy type.


If your seizures are not controlled, there will be certain rules and restrictions which affect your ability to get or keep your drivers license.

It is vital that if you are told not to drive by your doctor, that you do not drive.

Attending regular reviews with your doctor means this can be assessed regularly to see if any restriction can be lifted or changed over time.

Driving information for people with epilepsy in Australia.


Lifestyle and Risk Recreation

Recreational activities and hobbies can have a positive influence on our mood. Your life shouldn’t have to be restricted to staying at home to be safe.

Where an activity may appear risky, for example water skiing, seek advice about what you can do to reduce risks you may face because of your epilepsy, or if a seizure happens.

In many cases, activities can be modified and common sense safety steps can help you participate safely.

Because epilepsy varies so much between individuals many questions about taking part in activities are best answered on a case by case basis.

Read about Sports and Exercise  for people with epilepsy

For more information about some of the lifestyle issues discussed here go to Lifestyle Issues