Just Diagnosed

Looking After Yourself

People can feel a range of emotions when they are first diagnosed with epilepsy.

Everyone’s reaction is different, but they’re all completely normal.

It can take time to come to terms with a diagnosis of epilepsy, but it’s important to remember even though seizures are disruptive and impact on many areas in life, many people with epilepsy gain good seizure control with regular medications and a sensible lifestyle.

Epilepsy should not define who you are and what goals you would like to achieve.

A new diagnosis usually means having to adjust, getting used to taking regular medication and making some changes to the way you live and work. This can add extra stress, and sometimes change the way you see yourself and relate to others.

It can be difficult to maintain an emotional balance and cope with negative feelings and certainly living with epilepsy can open the door to depression and anxiety. So be aware of the symptoms of these conditions as well as they can creep up on you.

See our factsheet Epilepsy, Anxiety and Depression.

You will have ‘good’ days and ‘bad’ days and you can be affected not only physically, but emotionally, socially and sometimes financially.

Try to learn as much as you can about epilepsy, ask for support when you need it, and involve yourself in your treatment decisions and management.

Maintain your social relationships and don’t isolate yourself. Family and friends are a source of support for most people.

If you want to join an epilepsy support group,  Epilepsy Action and Friends Online Support Group is designed to bring together adults who have/had epilepsy or know someone with epilepsy. This is a place for you to share your own experiences, meet others with epilepsy and gain practical advice so you feel supported living with epilepsy.

If your symptoms include anxiety and/or depression, you may want to speak to someone close to you or seek professional advice.

Macquarie University offer a Well-being Neuro Course to help manage the impact of neurological conditions.

Above all, look after yourself. Have a balanced diet, get enough sleep and be active.

There’s no time limit on adjusting to having epilepsy. In fact, most people will find that emotions surface sometimes, depending on what’s happening in their life, especially when experiencing any setbacks or having a bad day. Even if your seizures are controlled, it’s natural to feel sad or worried from time to time.

Experiencing a range of emotions is quite normal, but you should watch out for signs of depression. If at any stage you begin to feel overwhelmed or sadness last longer than two weeks, seek help.

For information and help with depression or anxiety go to:



Adjusting to Life with Epilepsy

It is likely that your diagnosis may lead to some unavoidable life changes. These can range from a change in your transport, job role or lifestyle habits so that it suits your health.

  • As much as possible try to maintain your normal daily routine, including working, socialising and exercising. Unless or course if your life is extremely busy or stressful, then things might need to change.
  • Try not to isolate yourself. Have at least one person you can talk to.
  • Learn about epilepsy and the type of epilepsy you have. It can help you feel a sense of control and will allow you to make informed decisions about your medication, health and lifestyle.
  • Seek help if you are feeling depressed or anxious. It is quite normal to have these feelings after a diagnosis of epilepsy or any other health condition.
  • Speak to your doctor if you feel your medication has too many unwanted side effects for you.
  • Find some support. There are many online support communities for people with epilepsy who share experiences and ask questions. These can be very helpful for some people.

For more information go to EAA factsheets and brochures

Lifestyle Changes

People often find that making some minor changes to lifestyle can reduce seizures. See our Self Management factsheet for more tips. There are a few things you can do to avoid seizure triggers that can not only improve your life but give you a sense of control. These can include:

Avoid Large Amounts of Caffeine or High Energy Drinks

Caffeine is a stimulant found in coffee, tea, chocolate, many soft drinks, high energy drinks, some supplements and medications, including some diet pills, antihistamines and decongestants. Some people with epilepsy report that excessive amounts of caffeine can cause an increase in their seizures. In addition, caffeine may reduce the effectiveness of some antiseizure medications, and disrupt sleep.

It is recommended that the average person consume less than 600 mg per day – around four cups of strong coffee, or five or six cups of tea. For someone with epilepsy we suggest this should be less – around two or three caffeine drinks at most.

Guarana is a natural caffeine source and a stimulant. It is a common ingredient in high energy drinks and herbal ‘weight loss’ teas and can combine with adrenaline to produce an even stronger stimulant effect.

High energy drinks. There are reports of seizures induced by energy drinks. These drinks contain more caffeine than a strong cup of coffee, and the caffeine combined with other ingredients such as guarana, amino acid taurine, green tea and other herbs, vitamins and minerals, may interact.

The combination of the stimulant and sugar can also be dehydrating and when consumed with alcohol may affect heart rates, blood pressure and even mental state. More than one energy drink can lead to side effects which include nervousness, irritability, frequent urination, and heart arrhythmias.

Any substance that is considered a stimulant should be avoided or taken with care and moderation, as they are more likely to increase the risk of seizures.

Avoid these drinks if you can.

Grapefruit and Seville Oranges

Grapefruit can interfere with the way the body absorbs and breaks down (metabolises) certain medications, increasing or decreasing its levels in the bloodstream. One of these medications is carbamazepine (Tegretol). Avoid grapefruit or Seville oranges at all times if you taking this medication. Speak to your doctor about any interactions with your antiseizure medication.

Get Enough Sleep

Lack of sleep is a common reported trigger for seizures for many people with epilepsy. The amount of sleep a person needs will differ, but it is recommended that people with epilepsy stick to a regular bedtime and rising time as much as possible. Try to get a full night’s sleep (7–8 hours) as often as possible.

People with epilepsy should not need an excessive amount of sleep. Constant tiredness and sleepiness may be a sign that medications may need adjusting or there may be other issues. If you suffer from sleeplessness, excessive daytime sleepiness or over-tiredness, discuss this with your doctor.

For more information about Sleep and Seizures

Recognise and Respond to Stress

Stress can’t always be avoided, but you can reduce its impact by changing the way you respond. It is important to identify the cause of stress and find practical solutions. Some known stress busters are:

  • breathing exercises and muscle relaxation
  • meditation
  • yoga
  • effective time management
  • music, reading, a hobby
  • good support networks
  • exercise and sport
  • avoiding stressful situations and people when you can.

To deal with stress more effectively, think about what stresses you and how you react to it. Try to:

  • understand what situations make you feel stressed
  • understand what situations you can and can’t control
  • prepare for stressful events in advance
  • keep yourself healthy with good nutrition, exercise, and regular relaxation
  • do something positive every day.

If stress is big problem for you, speak to a professional such as a psychologist or counsellor.

For more information about Stress Management

Further information and help

This Way Up – a free online course to manage stress.

Wellbeing Neuro Course is designed to provide good information and teach practical skills for managing the impact of neurological conditions.

There are many supports to help with stress.

Be Aware of Seizure Triggers

Identifying seizure triggers and learning how to avoid them is important for seizure management. Common reported seizure triggers include missed medications, sleep deprivation and stress. There are many other individual triggers.

Avoiding seizure triggers can be difficult at times. Weigh up the risks and look at the quality of life issues. Don’t restrict yourself to the point of not enjoying life any more.

See Seizure Triggers

Keep a Seizure Diary

Seizure diaries can help to identify seizure triggers, and provide a good picture of seizure patterns.

Your seizure diary needs to include:

  • date and time of seizures
  • if you were asleep or awake
  • description or type of seizure
  • what happened before, during and after the seizure (if known)
  • medication taken and missed that day, including medication for other conditions
  • any possible seizure triggers
  • general health and energy level leading up to the seizures
  • menstrual cycle for women.

Seer Medical have a useful app

Contact us if you want a hard-copy diary

Drugs and Alcohol

In small amounts, alcohol should not cause seizures, but some people with epilepsy are more affected than others. Alcohol and recreational drugs can increase a person’s risk of seizures. These are a few important points regarding drugs and alcohol:

  • Most people with epilepsy can enjoy a social drink; however, some antiseizure medications do not mix well with alcohol.
  • Heavy or binge drinking is not recommended. Not only can this increase the risk of seizures but the associated late nights, missed meals, forgetting medications and poor sleep, can trigger seizures as well.
  • Antiseizure medication can lower your tolerance for alcohol, so the effects of alcohol are greater. In other words, you will get drunk faster.
  • The side effects of antiseizure medication may be enhanced by alcohol.
  • Some substances, such as alcohol, caffeine, nicotine and various prescribed and over-the-counter medications, when taken incorrectly or in large amounts may increase the risk of seizures.
  • Many illicit drugs, especially stimulants such as cocaine, ‘crack’, ecstasy and speed (amphetamines) plus illicit synthetic drugs have the potential to cause seizures and it is uncertain what interactions these, or any illicit drugs, may have with your prescription medications. There is no certainty about how strong the drug is, or what is actually in it. It is very risky for someone with epilepsy to take these drugs.

How you can manage alcohol

A few pointers if you still like to have a drink.

  1. Avoid binge drinking.
  2. When you are drinking alcohol, drink slowly, stick to low alcohol drinks or have a non-alcoholic drink in-between drinks. Don’t keep up with your friends if they are drinking heavily.
  3. If you are at a party keep your drink in your hand and drink it slowly. That way people won’t harass you to have another drink if they see you already have one.
  4. If you know it’s going to be a late night, the try and catch a nap in the afternoon before heading out. Try to keep late nights to a minimum.
  5. Keep yourself hydrated with non-alcoholic drinks during the night.
  6. Don’t abuse alcohol. This can cause different types of seizures called alcohol withdrawal seizures, and it will make your epilepsy worse.

If you have concerns regarding alcohol or other drugs that you think are affecting your seizure control, discuss these with your doctor.

For more information

Alcohol and Epilepsy Factsheet

Alcohol and Drugs

Living Alone

Many people who live alone enjoy their independence, which is important. A common concern for people with poorly controlled seizures living alone is; what if a seizure occurs causing injury or harm, and nobody knows?

There are many alarms and devices available that can help people who live alone, ranging from telephone alarms, personal alarms, fall alarms, seizure alarms, and daily calls. Some of these products can notify emergency assistance or nominated people should a seizure occur. There are many of options available and costs and service types vary considerably.

Whilst the monitors and alarms don’t guarantee 100% protection or detection, they can be useful, and provide peace of mind. Epilepsy Action Australia has information on some of these products. Do your own research for a broader view.

Some people may have a routine with family or neighbours to either call, drop in or notice abnormal behaviour (such as the blind not being raised, lights not on).


Seizures causing loss of awareness (even if brief and subtle) or loss of control of voluntary movement impair someone’s ability to control a vehicle.

When you have your first seizure, the doctor will inform you that you cannot drive and for the period you are to abstain from driving. This period will depend on many things including; what has caused the seizure, what type of seizure you had, if it is epilepsy, and what type of epilepsy.

It is important to remember that you will be advised not to drive and, if you have met certain criteria, you will be able to drive again – safely and legally.

Unfortunately, not everyone will get their licence renewed, and others may be issued a conditional license. Ultimately the decision to suspend or renew a driver’s licence rests with the Driving License Authority.

It is also important that you feel confident that you can drive safely.

For our Factsheet about Driving

For the Australian guidelines go to Austroads: Assessing fitness to drive

For some basic facts about epilepsy

Epilepsy Facts

My Epilepsy Key